Chords Tutorial

Below is a guitar chord key chart of the Major, Minor, Sharp(#) Major, and Sharp(#) Minor Key chords. These four keys will allow you to play various songs using chords that you can find on our website. These are the most important chords to start learning, right away.

Major Chords

A    B    C    D    E    F    G

Minor Chords

Am    Bm    Cm    Dm    Em    Fm    Gm

Sharp(#) Major Chords :

A#    C#    D#     F#    G#

Sharp(#) Minor Chords :

A#m    C#m    D#m     F#m    G#m

Hi, I'm Altaf Hassan Founder And Author Of This Website Chordsandlyric. This a Blog Where You Can Find free guitar chord tutorials for English and Hindi songs. My goal is to deliver the most simple and easiest guitar chords for songs that even beginner guitarists can play. That’s why I created this Website to share information. Read More